1. You are about to turn left at an intersection. Another vehicle is coming into the intersection from the opposite direction. You should

2. If you drive ___________ successive years without a convinction, all points will be removed from your driving record.

3. When driving a class D vehicle, you are considered to be unlawfully intoxicated if your blood alcohol level content reaches or exceeds _____________percent.

4. When passing another car you must be able to return to your lane of traffic safely before coming within how many ________feet of an approaching vehicle?

5. You cannot legally park within how many _________ feet of a crosswalk?

6. The color red in traffic signs indicates

7. Mile post begins from the boarders of our state

8. If you are convicted of, plead guilty to, or forfeit bail for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs, your punishment may be

9. A solid yellow line on your side of the road means

10. Do not pass

11. Use your lights any time conditions keep you from seeing ahead

12. It is wise to reduce your speed below normal when:

13. Do not park

14. The purpose of a regulatory sign is:

15. In case you lose your driver's license and can't find it, you should

16. It is extremely important to check your blind spots before turning or changing lanes.

17. When the traffic light at an intersection changes from red to green a motorist may

18. A red light indicates which of the following

19. If an officer arrest you for drunk driving and asks you to take a test to determine your blood alcohol content you may

20. A sign of this shape (diamond) means

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